Return to Board of Police Commissioners, Evening Community Meeting
Live reporting by Pamela Taylor
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Commissioner QuanTez Pressley is elected to be the new board chair. Commissioner Jim Holley will be the new vice chair.

PTaylor @ptdocsdetroit
What up doe? I'm live tweeting the Board of Police Commissioners - Det Board of Police Commissioners, Evening Community Meeting this evening at 6:30p for DetDocumenters @DetDocumenters

05:20 PM Jun 8, 2023 CDT

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The website for the Board of Police Commissioners:…
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Meeting started on time with a prayer. Attendance of Commissioners is being taken. There are several Commissioners absent. Today's agenda has been approved. Now approving minutes for 6/3/23.
Minutes for 6/1 minutes are approved.
2 Commissioners have arrived late but present.
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Possible swearing in new investigators. However, there is a question if this is on the agenda. The Investigators are being sworn in.
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Hmmmm...technical difficulties
I have lost the connection
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We are back. Commissioner Ferguson is talking about his tenure as Chairman. He has just thanked his co-chair. He is thanking his family for their support.
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Now nominating Commissioners for chairperson. Commissioner Banks has been nominated, Commissioner Pressley had bee nominated. Commissioner Banks has been nominated.
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Voting on closing nominations. Nominations are now closed.
Election protocol: To win, candidate must receive the majority of votes. Also, there is no No vote.
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New chairperson🎉🎉🎉🎉 Commissioner Pressley is the new chairperson
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Nominations for vice chair: Rev. Holley was the only nomination and wins!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
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A representative for Chief White presenting a report. There has been an increase in violent crime. Most of the report has been negative: homicides, child abuse etc. Good news: 41 officers have been reinstated.
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Question: does the department still scrutinize liquor stores?
Answer: yes
Question: status of federal govt contribution which would be used to hire more officers?
Answer: recruiting and hiring is ongoing
Question: Chief and his staff will be at WCCCD/Downtown campus at 10:30a
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Question: Are ride-alongs still a thing?
Precinct has to be contacted and waiver signed before ride alongs are allowed.
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Pop up parties? Is DPD prepared? Answer: yes
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Public Comment: Citizen has a complaint about a lack of response to her complaints about home invasion, her constitutional rights are being abused.
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Public Comment: A 91yo citizen is speaking. Parents need to be more responsible and careful with guns. Too many children shooting and losing their life to gun violence.
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Public Comment: Rampant red-light running!
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Public Comment: 3rd complaint about rampant red light running.
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Public Comment: Marijuana is causing psychosis. Need for a mental health hospital.
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Public comments are closed.
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Report on Department staffing by Human Resources: She has multiple slides with statistics. The commissioners are clearly delighted with this report.
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More human resources info:
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More HR info:
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Questioning department info on suspensions especially suspension without pay. How many suspensions with pay as well.
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2nd precinct Commander detailed report about events, community education initiatives, crime statistics, community relations meetings, Senior movie night, jazz concert 7/21 @ the 2nd precinct. National Night Out on 8/8
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Commissioner Holley has a question: would the precinct welcome him speaking with someone at the precinct about increasing the presence of ministers.
Also, do police officer walk through the neighborhoods. The commander said yes.
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Discussion about the dealing with the backlog. One point is to have people work from home to deal with the backlog. One commissioner blames working from home as a reason for the backlog. The chairperson says that a report about citizen complaints will be available on June 30th
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Rev. Holley is concerned that committees are not meeting. Motion that committees that don't meet need to require staff to complete the work. Motion has been withdrawn. Since there was a new election, new committee chairpeople have to be chosen.
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The meeting adjourned at 8:37pm. This concludes the The Detroit Board of Police Commissioners Community Meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for June 15, 2023. For more meeting coverage, check out
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The BOPC meets weekly each Thursday at 3:00 p.m. at Detroit Public Safety Headquarters, except for the second Thursday when the BOPC holds a monthly community meeting at 6:30 p.m at various locations.
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IMPORTANT: If you believe anything in the coverage today is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.