Commission on Chicago Landmarks
Chicago Department of Planning and DevelopmentChicago, IL 60602 (Directions)
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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team
Schlitz Brewery Tied House, Adopt-A-Landmark criteria, Lawrence CTA station
Schlitz Brewery Tied House, Adopt-A-Landmark criteria, Lawrence CTA station

The Permit Review Committee meeting will start on the same streaming site after the Commission on Chicago Landmarks wraps up.

You can watch the stream of the meeting here:
The agenda can be found here:

Only one person has signed up for comment, Executive Director of Preservation Chicago, Ward Miller.

Miller is speaking on the Lake Street Schlitz Brewery Tied Housed in Ward 27.

In early April 2021, this site was granted temporary landmark preservation status after a large outcry of opposition to potential demolition of the building:

A similar Schlitz tied house on the East Side was granted landmark status last year:

Miller said there was over 8000 petition signatures to grant landmark status to this building.

Commission member, Maurice Cox, is now speaking on the Schlitz Brewery Tied House.

The building is located in the Fulton Market Innovation zone and falls under the boundaries for new West loop Guidelines Area

Chair Ernest Wong is now calling on the Commission to vote on accepting the report on this building. The motion is approved.

Next up is the update on the “Givins Castle” site in relation to the Adopt-A-Landmark Fund

This building was original a home that was retrofitted into a church that is still there today.

With the funds from Adopt-A-Landmark, turrets were restored with some being completely replaced if they were too damaged.

The presenter says yes and they use it for other church items. The church has been there since the 1940s.

This fund allocates funding generated by downtown construction projects to support restoration of buildings that have been individually designated as a Chicago Landmark

It can also fund buildings in a designated landmark district, but they can’t include single-family homes and residential buildings of six units or less.

You can check out more about it here:

Proposed 2021 priorities are Neighborhood Anchors and Neighborhood Commercial Buildings

One criteria that buildings must meet is that they must be location in Qualified Investment Areas, with priority to INVEST South/West Community Areas

Commission member Suellen Burns is asking if properties that are currently residential but potential to be Neighborhood Anchors, such as the Muddy Waters House Museum, will be eligible.

Commissioner Paola Aguirre commends the group for being inclusive for who is now eligible for their program.

Commissioner Tiara Hughes seconds Aguirre’s sentiments. Hughes is asking if there is any support for interior work as well.

Commissioner Cox compliments the preservation staff for “ever-changing sense of buildings that are iconic, neighborhood-based and landmarked”

Says that when community members are asked what buildings they are most proud of, they often point out landmarked buildings.

Cox says he’s excited for the reach of this fund with the inclusion of historical residential buildings.

Chair Wong suggests reaching out to design professionals when it comes to outreach for eligible buildings to take advantage of this fund.

Asks if architectural drawings are required in the application as well, since they often take time.

Cuvalo anticipates giving 2months for the application process and that all applications might not have drawings as well.

But with an understanding that full drawings will be needed at a certain point.

Commissioner Lynn Osmond says that we need to minimize the complexity of the application so that people can get this grant.

Commissioner Alicia Ponce says there is an education component to ensure the program unfolds the way they want to. Is equally excited for the program.

Commissioner Burns is happy that this opportunity isn’t limited to existing landmark buildings.

Burns says “Lessons learned from the proposed, but defeated Pilsen historic district for the staff to think as broadly as possible”

Chair Wong is now calling a vote to adopt the fund priorities. It has passed unanimously.

Next up is Class L Property Tax Incentive for the Cook County Hospital Administration Building.

Cook County offers the Class L property tax incentive to encourage the preservation and rehabilitation of landmark buildings.

Some of the restorations and updates to this building includes exterior and interior work

Staff is recommending that the property be approved for the Class L Incentive.

With this incentive property tax assessment levels are reduced for a 12-year period provided they invest at least half of the value of the landmark building in an approved rehabilitation project.

A very high-quality video from the owners about the restoration of the building is now playing. It’s pretty impressive.

Patricia Aluisi, representing the property development team, is now speaking. Thanks all that helped with the project.

Applicant, Bridget O’Keefe, thanks Landmark Illinois and Preservation Chicago. Says they were “key partners in helping to save this building”.

Commissioner Burns congratulates everyone. Says “it exemplifies everything that is amazing about historic preservation.”

Says “A lot to times the significance of the Class L gets lost” and that they are integral to the project. Asks for someone to speak on that.

O’Keefe says the Class L was significant to success of the project. Without it, “this project would not have happened”.

Commissioner Osmond wants to also thank Cook County @ToniPreckwinkle for her support on this project.

Lots of congrats going around. It’s a very enthusiastic meeting group right now with everyone impressed with the work done.

Wong is requesting a motion that the project has been completed in accordance to submitted plan. It carries unanimously.

Next up is Class L Property Tax Incentive for Essex Inn.

Commissioner Osmond is recusing herself for this item. Commissioner Hughes is back for the meeting.

As with previous project, interior and exterior work was completed to update and restore the building.

Sar Peruri, Chief Operating Officer for project developer, is now speaking. Says it’s an important landmark sign and it’s all new electronics.

Commissioner Hughes says this is a great example of paying homage to the sign that was already there, but updating the tech for the times.

Commissioner Cox remarks this is a really feel-good commission meeting. And shows how hospitality is optimistic for the future.

Chair Wong is now calling motion to approve that project was completed as originally proposed. It has passed unanimously.

Next up is announcement for virtual public hearing on expedited proposed landmark designation and permit application for the demolition of the Schlitz Brewery Tied House.

Meeting will be Wednesday May 12 at 10:00am. Vice Chairman Gabriel Dziekiewicz will be the hearing officer. You can find meeting details here: .

Permit Review Committee reports is up now. Staff reviewed 182 applications in March.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Thanks for following my live-tweet of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks. The Permit Review Committee meeting is starting directly after on the same stream:

Note for earlier agenda item concerning Invest South/West. There is a meeting tonight for proposals to develop 8840/8854 S Commercial Ave. You can find details below

@CHIdocumenters folks will be live-tweeting that Invest South/West meeting tonight

Permit Review Committee is starting now. You can watch the stream of the meeting here:
The agenda can be found here:

Ward Miller, ED of Preservation Chicago, is speaking. Says they are supportive of rehabilitation of the 3300 S Federal building. This building is part of Illinois Institute of Technology.

Miller says “This is an important to save and repurpose” and encourages restoration of repurpose of building.

Also supports the reuse and changes of Former Swedish American State Bank Building.

Has a petition out with almost 600 signatures in support of preservation of this building. You can find more of their work here:

First item of the agenda is for the Civic Opera House. The proposal is to install new HVAC systems and new glass partitions.

Proposal states that these changes will help remedy temperature issues. Attempts to address these issues has been made previously, but were ineffective.

Leonard Koroski, project architect, says that he thinks the changes are minimal and reversible, but will address the temperature issues.

Commissioner Alicia Ponce is curious if any modeling was done to see how the changes will perform.

Koroski said yes that there were several modeling done. With previous solution, the amount of air that comes into the space couldn’t be properly addressed.

Commissioner Hughes is asking about the small nooks that would surround the partitions and what sanitation of those spaces would look like.

Koroski says that the purpose was to not effect any of the existing stone face. Believes that it might be a little more work to clean between, but would be doable.

Koroski says that part of the ceiling will need to be opened to install, but complete restoration will be done after installation.

Commissioner Aguirre is calling for motion to adopt staff recommendations for project. Motion carries unanimously.

Next up concerns the Main Building of IIT. Project team is asking for renewed approval for proposed rehab for residential use.

The project includes new window openings, skylights, and masonry repair.

Commissioner Hughes is asking what is the length of the approval for the permit.

Staff member, Larry Shure, says that the permit is for 2 years and that if the permit expires in that period and the project doesn’t change significantly they can apply for another year.

Commissioner Aguirre is requesting motion to adopt staff recommendations for this project. Motion passes unanimously.

Next up is for Lawrence CTA station. Proposal is for a new ADA accessible station on the north side Lawrence Ave with additional exit on the south side of Lawrence.

This project is part of the Red/Purple Line modernization project:

Proposed renderings of the stop, which include concrete crosswalk, bike racks, and new canopy on the platform.

Ald Cappleman (Ward 46) has submitted a letter of approval for the project.

Commissioner Gabriel Ignacio Dziekiewicz is asking about the use of the color white for the project and why that was chosen.

The project architect says that the historical station used the white terracotta material. It also fits with much of the buildings in Uptown.

Sidenote: The Red/Purple Modernization project is projected to cost $2.1B. Again, you can learn more about the extent of the project here:

It is clarified that the tracks and columns under the track is precast concrete, with the station itself featuring the terracotta.

Commissioner Hughes is asking what community outreach has been done. Asks “How are we bringing in the personality of the community and their input?”

Architect says that CTA has done outreach and planning to reach out to artist to contribute art for inside of the stations.

Jeffrey Wilson, Director of Government Relations of CTA, says they reached out to local orgs such as Chinese Mutual Aid Society

Commissioner Aguirre is now requesting motion to adopt staff recommendations. Motion passes unanimously.

Next item is for renovations to a classic residential Chicago bungalow

Renovations will include rear addition, siding replacement, and new window insertions based on historic photos.

Staff is recommending that if any siding is removed, they must be notified to ensure no wood historic siding is damaged or lost.

This is in line with the Commission’s guidelines on wood siding to ensure preservation of historic items.

Commissioner Hughes is stating her appreciation for the Preservation staff and the work they put in.

Commissioner Aguirre is asking for motion for approval of staff recommendations. Motion passes unanimously.

Next item is for another residential property. This proposal is for new curb cut and driveway to provide new parking pad.

Staff recommends that this proposal be approved. Ald. Sophia King (Ward 4) has reviewed application and has no objections.

Owner says there’s no plan for that specific tree, but they are planning to install new trees in the back.

Commissioner Aguirre is asking if there’s any historic landscape that needs to be considered.

Commissioner Aguirre is asking for motion to approve staff recommendations. Motion passes unanimously.

Last item on the agenda is for the Former Swedish American State Bank Building. This proposal is for interior buildout to replace existing restaurant, new awning and new blade sign.

Hamburger Mary’s was previously in this location, but closed late last year.

Existing building with rendering of proposed changes are shown below.

Staff recommends approval of proposal with the following conditions

Ald. Andre Vasquez (Ward 40) and Andersonville Chamber of Commerce have submitted letters of support.

Commissioner Aguirre is asking for motion to adopt staff recommendations. Motion passes unanimously.

Thanks for following my live-tweet of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks and Permit Review Committee meetings for #ChiDocumenters @CHIDocumenters. The next meeting is scheduled for June 3, 2021. Find out more about this and other public meetings at
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Chicago Department of Planning and Development
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Remote meetings of Department of Planning and Development agencies are live-streamed here. If the stream is not yet “Live” or “On air” you may be early or the meeting may be starting behind schedule. Wait a few moments and refresh your Internet browser tab.