Return to Finance, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: General Fund Budget Hearing, Day 5, Morning Session
Live reporting by Alicia Moreland
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Officials talk Cleveland's slow hiring process, Civil Service Commission

Alicia Moreland @DDutchCreative
Good morning Cleveland! Starting at 9am, I'll be live-tweeting Cleveland City Council's Finance, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: General Fund Budget Hearing, Day 5, Morning Session for @cledocumenters and @signalcleveland
Yay budgets!๐Ÿฐ

07:16 AM Feb 26, 2024 CST

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Alright folks. It's 9:06 and looks like Council is assembled and we're getting started. First up is Human Resources.
Proposed 2024 spending budget: $6,143,681
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Kazy refers to large number of applicants to city jobs- 24K, only 800 hires. He asks- why the discrepancy?
Answer: mass submissions of unqualified candidates via websites like Indeed and Monster partially to blame.
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Harsh asks- when is new computer system for HR to go live?
Answer: New Payroll and HR software, which will speed up and modernize hiring and onboarding, to roll out Jan 1st, 2026.
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Next up: Health Self Insurance Fund (Internal Service Fund)
Proposed 2024 budget: $103,000,001
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Council asked if the City was getting the best deal for it's healthcare. Since Medical Mutual is no longer a Cleveland company, are we looking to providers everywhere?
Yes, says administration. A study was done and Medical Mutual and Anthem still best choices.
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On to: Prescription Self Insurance Fund (Internal Service Fund) with Proposed 2024 budget of : $22,500,000.
No questions or comments. Alright... so
On to :
Civil Service Commission with a proposed 2024 spending budget of : $2,031,486
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Polensek brings up the charter- says having a executive director of the Civil Services Commission is not legal. It appears this has been brought up before and may have already been deemed legal by the Legal Department.
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Interesting conversation about the city's hiring process. It can take almost 6 months to get hired. Testing and red tape seem to slow the process down ๐Ÿ˜–
Written into the charter in the 1930's, Howse-Jones questions whether it's serving it's purpose.
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Next up Office of Urban Analytics and Innovation
Proposed 2024 spending budget: $1,732,460
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3 major initiatives:
#1 -an Open Data portal data. launches mid march, will give public access to city data.
#2- 311 launches during second quarter. presently in testing
#3 -internal citywide intranet site for city employees.
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Next up: Department of Finance
Proposed 2024 overall spending budget: $34,969,999
Director Ahmed Abonamah spoke about seeking a new executive assistant position. McCormack questioned reduction in personnel - 13 to 8. Result of the creation of the Division of Risk, says Ahmed.
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Division of Accounts
Proposed 2024 budget: $2,714,981
Starr asks about the efficiency of check processing. Administration: 7-10 days. Paper check go out twice a week. Moving to electric payments and invoicing soon.
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Rebecca Mauer asks about budgeting for Snider Blake temp employees. How long are these employees kept? Do we attempt to hire? Administration- temp employees are given temp-to-hire opportunities. Current temps in the division have been there 6-8 months.
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Division of Assessments and Licenses
Proposed 2024 budget: $4,958,485
a few clarifications... then:
Division of Treasury
Proposed 2024 budget: $964,677
Q: Why do we have such increased revenue?
A: ARPA cash + higher interest rates mean higher interest earning for the city.
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Questions about moving funds and compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act lead finance director to explain challenges:
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City funds are held by Key Bank, Huntington, and PNC. "We're an expensive customer to have," say finance director. "We require our banks to have 110% collateral." We have 200 accounts- which is expensive. There are fees associated with each account. for reference, Columbus has 7.
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Just shifting 5%-10% to local intuitions that could help folks with car loans that big banks aren't doing... that would help Clevelanders, says Howse-Jones.
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Division of Purchases and Supplies
Proposed 2024 budget: $907,802
Council questions reduction in headcount from 11 to 8. extra 3 go into hiring pool, says administration.
Only 5 working now. Administration confident they can fill 3 vacancies with wages increase.
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Bureau of Internal Audit
Proposed 2024 budget: $1,215,073
vacancies in the department mean Bureau not spending only about half of budget. pushing for new hires.
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Division of Taxation/CCA (agency fund)
Proposed 2024 budget: $14,156,471
๐Ÿ‘‰More vacancies issues.
Division of Risk Management
Proposed 2024 budget: $1,233,313
๐Ÿ‘‰Questions were asked about EMS billing, which is being supervised by Risk Management.
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Division of Printing and Reproduction
Proposed 2024 budget: $2,899,143
๐Ÿ‘‰ no questions
Storeroom & Warehouse
Proposed 2024 budget: $618,569
๐Ÿ‘‰ no questions
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Division of Information Systems Services
Proposed 2024 budget: $19,579,561
๐Ÿ‘‰Increase of budget due to the move of 14 positions from public safety.
Telephone Exchange
Proposed 2024 budget: $15,797,033
๐Ÿ‘‰ no questions
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Okay we're flying through these now. The Caucus starts at noon... Just FYI I'm about 10 minutes behind the live-feed.
Office of Budget and Management
Proposed 2024 budget: $787,449
Division of Financial Reporting and Control
Proposed 2024 budget: $1,947,899
no questions
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Sinking Fund General Operations (internal service fund)
Sinking Fund Commission
Proposed 2024 spending budget: $15,797,033
Proposed 2024 revenue: $15,750,841
no questions
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Revenue Bond Debt Service (debt service Fund)
Debt Service Revenues (debt service fund)
Proposed 2024 spending budget: $91,635,532
Unvoted Tax Support Obligations (debt service fund)
no questions
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Rainy Day Reserve Fund (special revenue fund)
Proposed 2024 spending budget: $67,599,335
County Auditor Deductions (General Fund non-departmental expenses)
Proposed 2024 spending budget: $1,900,000
no questions
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Transfers to other funds (General Fund non-departmental expenses)
...a few quick clarifying questions are asked.
Restricted Income Tax (special revenue fund)
Proposed 2024 spending budget: $61,700,000
no questions
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Alright folks. The meeting ended at one minute to noon. The Caucus meeting is scheduled for noon.
Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at