Live reporting by
Marvetta Rutherford
Proposal for MetroHealth street park on W. 25th moves forward
#Cleveland @cledocumenters #cledocumenters @signalcleveland has assigned me to cover the #CuyahogaCounty #CommunityDevelopmentCommittee Monday at 10AM.. I plan to be in person.. but you can join us on YouTube #TellYourFriends
05:18 PM Jul 19, 2024 CDT
After roll call, Metrohealth officials are asking for funding
This project would improve Emergency Departments Behavioral health and Adolescence Services
350k is the maximum request from the hospital. Stephens asked about the room number... 3 was the answer
There is a separate project that would benefit the entire department. Dale Miller spoke to the millions already given to the hospital. Stephens spoke to being proactive about the youth
Motion made and passed Moves to the full body of council There are 3 meetings The council will be on vacation in August Next up more money for Metrohealth park area on West 25th
Buffers from the street is desirable Stephens asked if seats would be there... She visited Chicago recently and experienced softer cement She was told that walking pathways are expected
Total cost of the project 150k 35-50 for the plan. Miller asked about the park He supports the project
Motion made and passed Next up, the Meeting is adjourned! Well, that was quick! Have a MagnificentMonday!