Live reporting by
Heather Alder
City Council approved the Fast Track PILOT Ordinance, offering tax incentives to developers who provide housing at rates as low as 30% of the area median income (AMI). They also amended the rental ordinance to simplify the compliance certification process for landlords.
Heather P In The D!
GOOD NIGHT #DETROIT !! Come back at 10am tomorrow for coverage of our city council meeting @10a for #DetroitDocumenters @DetDocumenters & media partners: @BridgeDet313 @chalkbeatDET @freep @media_outlier @metrotimes @MichiganRadio @PlanetDetroit @wdet @wxyzdetroit.
10:14 PM Oct 28, 2024 CDT
More information on how to attend or view or listen to the meeting can be found here-……
Here is the agenda- START READING NOW! It’s over 1500 pages!!! #RIF (reading is fundamental;)……
**************** IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.
Roll call! Didn’t hear James Tate or Coleman Young- Member Whitfield-Calloway advised would not be attending.
Leaving his city position-Brad Dick is going to Wayne State- he has held many positions in the city…they are giving him accolades for all his work, “the parks are his baby”. Member Johnson said she wouldn’t be where she is now without Brad. 1 of his jobs……
1st- Amy Huberth (?) wants to start a water taxi tour in Detroit. Hasn’t heard back from Memver Calloway- Referred to Callaeays staff or at large member Waters.
Mr Crowley stated Durhal didn’t win election…other voter fraud issues…including a “voter trap house”. …yelled at council after he left the Mike…couldn’t understand
Mr Cunningham discussing bus issues- passed out handwarmers, & bus passes. Thanks members for support
Mr Cunningham brought 2 speakers, both mentioned time for buses too long especially during cold, & weekends. Also mentioned improvements in Rosa Parks transit and handicap restrooms.
Public comments about proposed program for housing…speakers own affording apartments/houses & they support. Check out this article from Detroit Free Press: Mayor Duggan, council members pitch new plan to finance affordable housing……
More and more speakers supporting this pilot program from non profit developers. Stating taxes have gotten too high they need the program to assist.
Opposed to the Pilot Program- Mr Belliont (?)- States Program is to help business owners to increase rent, and for decades provided tax free incentives while their renters use the schools, but they do not contribute taxes towards schools, public safety etc.
Another Opposed Pilot Program- Mr Thompson Wayne State U- Center for Urban Studies- Advisors of danger for children and lead poison. Program eases lead testing to imposing a “visual assessment”.Not safe for children. Member Young arrived during beginning of public comments.
More “developers” in support of this pilot program. Also a young citizen “hair dresser” supports the Pilot program to help her stay in the city she loves.
Mr (?)- w/ Islamic Center of Detroit in support of fast track program- This year has been bad year for them assisting people with rent- cost too high.
More and more developers, smaller, bigger, woman, minority—-in support of Pilot Program.
Miss Williams - 26 homeless shelters all full- it’s for the homeless…not officials. Stated council is part of the problem-
Speaker- Cindy- VOTE! Any ? Call 833-MI-VOTES - If Trump gets elected…they will come after me! She kepted talking …Pres Sheffield- tried to get her to stop and listen- I could keep hearing her in the background… VIRTUAL COMMENTS now- 36!!!!
Mike Shane- opposes Pilot Program- Makes developers unaccountable to the public & city council over site- Compares to land bank- and lawsuit settlements & o the issues the land bank has encountered.
Raymond- city retiree wants Pilot Program to be looked into more..doesn’t want more programs that negatively impact city bottom line.
- Meeko Williams- Opposes- says should be delayed- Public’s voice has not been heard- seems like cover for larger developments. Delay- look at the devil in the details. & “GET YOUR ASSES OUT AND VOTE”.
More speakers for Pilot Program. Some more opposed… 99% speaking on this.
Speaker- the agenda only list a 1 page summary of Pilot Program- “devils in the details” needs to be slowed down.
More speakers discussing need to slow down this Fast Track Pilot program. Not enough public input. PUBLIC COMMENTS CONCLUDED-
Unfinished Business- Durhal- Motion to open for discussion- Here is the pamphlets-
Sheffield wants to be able to see applicants applying they approve or deny- for transparency- assure the process is inclusive. Was advised anyone who meets criteria it’s 1st come 1st serve. Can provide applicants who didn’t meet the criteria.
Member Johnson wants to get clarity of certificate of compliance is retained during entire 15 yrs. Ordinance requires maintaining compliance annually. Properties not added to Pilot Program until they get their certification.
Member Johnson still not satisfied about what is in writing for maintaining Certificate of Compliance and Penalties. Was advised Cert Of Comp- is required & baseline to get the pilot. Must maintain.
Member Johnson- ? Cost analysis…”indeterminate ”- They can’t determine due to various variables- economic benefits from secure housing- income tax, sales tax….loss of property tax.
Sheffield had some ? About lower income brackets and advised she will be closely looking at reports.
Member Young ? How this helps people spending over 30% of their income in housing. Was advised will increase supply. Opens up who can access this tool to increase production. Also tenant retention requirements-limits in increases of rent and improvements in quality.
Member Santiago speaking on her concerns for lower income not getting the housing needed. Would make it easier for higher AMI (Area Median Income)-and harder for those lower. Was advised lower taxes won’t get many below 30%AMI- other programs by state can help.
Member Santiago advised she is struggling…bought house and taxes went way up.
Member Durhal thanking colleagues for their support on this Pilot Program-
Standing Committee ReportsBudget & Finance- items being read….
16.6 postponed- Pres Sheffield said she has concerns- project by her household. ? Undone Pond- developer Robertson Homes advised that is. It owned by them.
Internal Operations contracts- 17.3& 17.4 Member Johnson request postpone for 1 week- waiting information from police dept.
All other resolutions approved 17.1-17.11 (minus 17.3-17.4).
Reappointments…Tate voted against- 17.15 Appointing Sonya Mays to the Detroit Brownfield Redevelopment Authority effective Immediately and ending on June 20, 2027. All approved.
Discussion ongoing on ARPA funding and roof and window repairs. Member Waters ? If contracts are for senior citizen home repairs- Was advised yes, seniors with disabilities. Tate ? Funding left in funding- was advised these 2 contracts are the final contracts for Renew Detroit
18.3-18.4 to postpone failed- Waters, Young, Benson, Durhal against. Voted on 18.3-18.4 Member Johnson objected…no others. Approved.
All other items of Planning & Economic Development committees passed…no discussion or objections.
Public Health & Safety Committee- numerous contracts for demo/renovation/environmental- 19.1-19.9 Objections from Santiago- 19.3, 19.3& 19.9 Member Johnson object 19.3 All passed.
19.10 postponed 2 weeks (no meeting next week) 19.11-19.25 Approved.
Discussion on Member Waters Ordinance- and lead abatement ordinance. Member Johnson spoke of her brother and his struggle due to lead in paint chips. Members Santiago and Young also discussing ordinance- funding & process.
Next week no formal session due to Election Day- approved no objections
Walk ons no objections All approved. Request for impact studies, referrals, and rally request.
17.3-17.4 law dept request reconsideration…member Johnson was assured her concerns would be addressed. It is now approved. Member reports suspended per state move.
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@DetDocumenters This concludes my documenting the Detroit City Council meeting today. Again- IMPORTANT ::::If you believe anything in the coverage this morning is inaccurate, please email us at with "Correction Request" in the subject line.