Live reporting by
Janna Thomas
The Indianapolis Public Library Board of Trustees met at the InfoZone branch for the November meeting.
Jan IndyDoc
Hi everybody! Tonight at 6:30, I'll be live-tweeting the Indy Public Library Board of Trustees meeting for @indydocumenters @mirrorindy
05:22 PM Nov 25, 2024 CST
The agenda can be found at or via the link below.……
The board is consisted of 7 trustees, serving 4-year terms. Current member list can be found here:……
Tonight's meeting is being held at the Infozone Branch, located inside The Children's Museum. After President Hope's opening praising remarks for the Infozone branch, the floor is given to the InfoZone branch manager, Ms. Staci Terrell to report out
2025 will mark the 25th anniversary of the InfoZone. This is the only full library branch that operates within a museum. Ms. Staci gives some background about who they are and who they serve.
One member asked more about the Fathers and Families program. Ms. Staci replies, the Infozone will come to job fairs/training and explain the importance of literacy for them and their children.
The Infozone also makes sure they are aware of any resources, additional job fairs, etc. available to them. The board more than pleased with the report for Ms. Staci. The floor now moves to Ms. Danielle Cave and Jayme Murphy with the IndyPL Social Work Dept.
Some of the goals for the dept: Maintain consistent ofice hours and refferal follow-up. Tracking of interactions, with restructures to include social work functions. Measuring growth and inputs for long-term goal. Measuring growth for long-term strategic planning
current office hours are Monday and Wednesday, 10a-12p and 1p-3:30p appointments are available. Both Ms. Cave and Ms. Murphy are excited for the what's down the road and looking forward to growing this department.
Meeting moves onto public comment section. First is a mother and her child, Teresa. Teresa wanted to share that the Infozone is her library where she comes for field trips and to read.
President of the Crown Hill neighborhood association, Danita Hoskin. Lifelong member of the neighborhood, she gives her praises to the Infozone, expressing how vital it is to the community. One ask, how to increase digital skills of the older population in the community.
Approval of last month's meeting minutes (Oct. 28). Carries unanimously. Approval of executive session (Oct. 31). Carries unanimously. Now Finance Committee reports out
Revenue and expenditures on track/on budget for 2024. Pres. Tribble motions to submit finance report if the Treasurer. Carries unanimously.
Next. Resolution 75-2024 (Approval of OverDrive/Libby E-Magazine Subscription Renewal). Essentially the "virtual branch" collection. Recommendation to authorize the approval for the annual subscription service fee. Board approves, the notion carries.
Resolution 76 - 2024 Resolution 77 - 2024 Resolution 84 - 2024 all three resolutions approved unanimously.
Resolution 78 - 2024 (approval of appointment list) Addressing compression in paygrades 1-6. Market adjustment in paygrades 7-19. Board approves, motion carries. Resolution 79 - 2024. No changes, as this is a yearly resolution.
However, changes to the Wellness Program are discussed. Program offers discount in staff premium rate for med insurance. only 298 staff are enrolled in med insurance. The suggested change is to expand the program to all fulltime staff (around 400 members).
Facilities Committee now begins their report. Resolution 72 has been removed from tonight's agenda. Right now, topic is Resolution 70-2024 (approval to award a construction services contract for the Library Services Center Conf. Rm. 221 renovation project)
after much discussion about the bidding process and the rubric used to award a bidder, the board approves.
Resolution 80 - 2024 (Approval of a Fixtures, Furniture, and Equipment Contact for the Furniture at Central Library Curve Renovation 2 East Project). Phase 1 is nearing complete, FFE scheduled delivery in January, 2 E scheduled to open Q1 2025 resolution approved
Last resolution from Facilities Committee, Res. 81-2024 (Approval of Agreement for the InfoZone Branch) resoltuion streamlines agreement and closely tracks operational practices and incorporates change to InfoZone's holiday schedule, aligning with IndyPL sched.
the live stream has been unstable the past several minutes. Last moments the Library Foundation gave their updates. Now the live is coming in, and meeting is being adjourned. Board members are taking a recess and are asked to return at 8:30 for their Annual Meeting Report.
this wraps up tonight's meeting. Next regular meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 16 at the East 38th street branch at 6:30pm