Focal Point U.S. EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant Public Meeting


Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2021
3:00 p.m. CST

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Chicago Southwest Development Corporation (CSDC) is hosting this public meeting to provide community residents and stakeholders with information about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA) Brownfields Cleanup Grant Program, and the proposal CSDC will be submitting in December. CSDC intends to apply for funding under the Brownfields Cleanup Grant Program and is eligible to apply for up to $650,000 in grant funding to abate a variety of contaminants identified at the property located at 3200 S. Kedzie Avenue, part of the future Focal Point Community Campus. The primary focus of the public meeting is to inform community stakeholders about CSDC’s grant proposal and allow for public comments. The application deadline is December 1, 2021.

The draft documents will also be made available for review at and you may contact CSDC at


Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Esperanza Salgado

Little Village, St. Anthony Hospital multi-use campus

Live reporting by Jennifer Guerrero

Little Village, St. Anthony Hospital multi-use campus

Jennifer Guerrero @Jennife92877737
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting for Focal Point U.S EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant Public Meeting #ChiDocumenters @CHIdocumenters

03:15 PM Nov 23, 2021 CST

Jennifer Guerrero @Jennife92877737 2/12
Meeting began @ 3pm. Live English and Spanish interpretations are available for this zoom meeting.
Jennifer Guerrero @Jennife92877737 3/12
The purpose of this meeting is to review a grant given by the EPA to clean up a brownfield (contaminated abandoned industrial site) @ 3250 S Kedzie.
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Presentation will be given by an urban planner from Chicago Southwest Development Co. It will cover what was discovered at the site, how to apply, and what the next steps could be.
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There are more than 1000 brownfields in Chicago, most located within communities that have high rates of unemployment, poverty, chronic illnesses, & other socioeconomic challenges.
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Picture of proposed focal point site.
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Previous uses of this site included steel production, diesel repair, scrap metals, auto mechanics, parking, and recycling site.
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Environmental Assessment on site as a result of previous uses. Contaminates found need to be addressed before site is developed.
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Possible alternatives that were suggested by environmental consults included these 3 options. Alternative 3 was the most recommended.
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If application is approved, awards would be given in the spring. After that, any necessary additional steps required by the EPA would need to be completed. Grant timeline is about 3 years, however the org. is hoping to start much sooner.
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**name of urban planner is Mike DiLorenzo.
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Meeting adjourned at 3:27pm.